Is this site free?
Yes! Both this site and our FaceBook page are. We hope you'll find them each informative and entertaining, and will consider engaging Discovering New Ancestors to assist you in your research!
So why do I need your service?There are several reasons:
• Consider the families of your four grandparents: Is there a branch for which you have few — or no — DNA matches? • Review your matches greater than 60cM. Can you state with certainty whom each of these relations are? • Is there a group of “shared matches” you’re unable to connect to your tree?• Does your Ethnicity Estimate include one or more regions that bear no apparent connection to your family background?
• Do you have one or more long-standing "brick walls" that just drive you crazy?• Are you wondering if your documented research is correct?
Any of the these reasons are more than sufficient to start an investigation into the mysteries of your DNA!
Just what is it you do?We're genealogists — but with a difference!
Back in the day — ok, even these days — there are genealogists, specializing in traditional document-based research and preservation, and genetic genealogists, science-types who stand ready to connect the dots via shared linkages, haplogroups and probabilities. As with most disciplines, over time these designations begin to weaken, and at this point the science is just another tool in our problem solving toolbox. — in fact, we've even developed our own proprietary tools, employing the data-mining techniques of bioinformatics to generate actionable leads to "intractable" problems.
This comprehensive, wholistic approach is what differentiates our service!
What's it cost?$50 (£30) hourly — but we encourage every client to invest just 1 hour in an Initial Consultation so we can evaluate your existing research and DNA linkages in order to better determine a directed course of action. We may recommend testing additional individuals, or suggest you prioritize a particular avenue of research prior to attempting to knock down a long-standing brick wall. Every situation is different, but it all starts with completing our Intake Form!
And after the Initial Consultation?
We'll typically suggest a 10-hour block of time (8 hours research, 2 hours reporting) to investigate one or more of the issues identified in our Initial Consultation. Your initial consultation fee will be applied towards the 10 hours.
I've worked at this mystery for ___ years. What makes you all so special?
Perhaps it's a fresh pair of eyes — or that we're open to new possibilities because we're not invested in seeing your tree the way you've always seen it. Or it may be the accumulated experience of solving mysteries in an ever-expanding array of contexts. Maybe we're just lucky; maybe it's magic, but as we like to say “Finding the right answers begins with asking the right questions.”
However you choose to think of it, the research and conclusions we present will be well-considered and well-supported.
It just sounds too good to be true…Read what our clients have to say, or view our Case Studies…
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